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School of Education

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About the Department:

School Of Education

Geeta University [GU] is one of the best universities in Delhi, NCR as it offers a large number of student courses worldwide. The Bachelor of Education is a series of arts that catechism into teaching. This is a professional course and once you have completed this course, students can get a job at the school level.

 the department typically focuses on preparing future educators, administrators, and leaders in the field of education. This department plays a crucial role in shaping the next generation of teachers and educational professionals by offering a range of academic programs, courses, and resources.

Teacher Preparation Programs: The department offers undergraduate and graduate programs designed to prepare students for careers in teaching. These programs often include coursework in pedagogy, curriculum development, classroom management, educational psychology, and subject-specific content knowledge.

Educational Leadership and Administration: Many departments within Schools of Education also offer programs for aspiring educational leaders and administrators. These programs focus on topics such as organizational management, educational policy, leadership theory, and school improvement strategies.

Special Education: Special education is another important focus area within the department. Programs in special education typically cover topics related to inclusive education, differentiated instruction, behavioral interventions, and working with students with diverse learning needs.

Curriculum Development and Instructional Design: Courses and programs in curriculum development and instructional design prepare students to create effective educational materials, develop engaging lesson plans, and utilize innovative teaching methods and technologies.

Research and Scholarship: The department often emphasizes research and scholarship in the field of education. Faculty members and graduate students may engage in research projects that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in areas such as teaching and learning, educational policy, assessment, and educational equity.

Field Experiences and Practicum: Practical experiences are a crucial component of teacher preparation programs. The department facilitates field experiences, practicum placements, and student teaching opportunities in schools and educational settings, allowing students to apply their learning in real-world contexts.

Professional Development and Continuing Education: The department may also offer professional development opportunities and continuing education programs for current educators and professionals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Community Engagement and Partnerships: Collaboration with schools, community organizations, and other stakeholders is often a priority for the department. These partnerships provide opportunities for students to engage in service-learning, internships, and collaborative projects that benefit the community and contribute to the improvement of education.


Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

Preparation for Teaching Excellence: To prepare graduates who demonstrate pedagogical knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for effective teaching in diverse educational settings.

Commitment to Student Learning: To cultivate graduates who are committed to promoting the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students through innovative and inclusive instructional practices.

Professional Growth and Development: To empower graduates to engage in lifelong learning and professional development activities to continually enhance their teaching effectiveness and adapt to evolving educational contexts.

Leadership and Collaboration: To equip graduates with leadership capabilities and collaborative skills to work effectively with colleagues, administrators, families, and community stakeholders in support of educational goals.

Cultural Competence and Diversity Awareness: To foster graduates' awareness of diverse cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds among students and communities, and to equip them with culturally responsive teaching practices that promote equity and inclusivity.

Ethical and Professional Conduct: To instill in graduates a strong commitment to ethical conduct, professionalism, and adherence to legal and ethical standards in their roles as educators and advocates for students.

Integration of Technology: To prepare graduates to integrate technology effectively into teaching and learning processes, enabling them to leverage digital tools and resources to enhance student engagement, collaboration, and achievement.

Evidence-Based Practice and Data Literacy: To develop graduates' capacity to use evidence-based practices and data-informed decision-making processes to assess student learning, monitor progress, and inform instructional planning and interventions.

Community Engagement and Service: To encourage graduates to actively engage with local communities, educational organizations, and professional networks to promote educational equity, advocate for student needs, and contribute to the broader improvement of education.

Global Perspectives and Civic Responsibility: To cultivate graduates' awareness of global educational issues and their roles as responsible citizens and educators in a diverse and interconnected world, fostering global citizenship, empathy, and intercultural understanding

Programme Outcomes (PO)

Content Knowledge: Graduates demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter they will be teaching, including relevant theories, concepts, and methodologies within their chosen field of specialization.

Pedagogical Skills: Graduates possess effective pedagogical skills and instructional strategies to facilitate student learning and engagement across diverse learning styles and abilities.

Assessment and Evaluation: Graduates are proficient in designing, implementing, and interpreting various forms of assessment to measure student learning outcomes and inform instructional decision-making.

Differentiation and Inclusion: Graduates can differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of students, including those with special needs, English language learners, and gifted learners, while fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment.

Technology Integration: Graduates are competent in leveraging educational technologies to enhance teaching and learning, including using digital tools for instruction, assessment, communication, and professional development.

Classroom Management: Graduates demonstrate effective classroom management skills to create a positive, safe, and supportive learning environment conducive to student success and academic achievement.

Professional Collaboration: Graduates collaborate effectively with colleagues, administrators, families, and community stakeholders to support student learning, promote educational equity, and contribute to the overall improvement of the educational community.

Reflective Practice: Graduates engage in ongoing reflection and professional development to critically evaluate their teaching practices, identify areas for growth, and continuously improve their instructional effectiveness.

Ethical and Professional Behavior: Graduates adhere to professional ethical standards and demonstrate professionalism, integrity, and respect for diversity in their interactions with students, colleagues, and the broader educational community.

Leadership and Advocacy: Graduates exhibit leadership qualities and advocacy skills to champion educational equity, social justice, and systemic change within their schools, districts, and communities.


Diverse Academic Programs: The department offers a range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Master of Education (M.Ed.), and Doctor of Education (Ed.D. or Ph.D.) programs, with specializations in areas such as elementary education, secondary education, special education, educational leadership, and curriculum development.

Expert Faculty: The department boasts a team of experienced and knowledgeable faculty members who are experts in their respective fields of education. These faculty members often engage in research, publish scholarly work, and contribute to the advancement of educational theory and practice.

Innovative Curriculum: The department develops and delivers innovative curriculum that integrates theory with practical application. Courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to excel as educators, administrators, researchers, and leaders in education.

Field-Based Learning Opportunities: The department provides opportunities for students to engage in field-based learning experiences, such as practicum placements, internships, and student teaching. These experiences allow students to apply their learning in real-world educational settings under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Research and Scholarship: The department fosters a culture of research and scholarship, encouraging faculty and students to engage in rigorous inquiry and contribute to the body of knowledge in education. Research activities may include empirical studies, literature reviews, program evaluations, and action research projects.

Professional Development: The department offers professional development opportunities for educators at all career stages, including workshops, seminars, conferences, and continuing education courses. These opportunities support ongoing learning and professional growth among practicing educators.

Community Engagement: The department actively engages with local schools, educational organizations, and community stakeholders to address pressing educational issues and promote positive change. Community engagement initiatives may include collaborative research projects, outreach programs, and service-learning opportunities.

Technology Integration: The department embraces the use of technology in education and promotes its integration into teaching, learning, and research activities. Faculty and students have access to cutting-edge educational technologies and resources to enhance instruction, collaboration, and productivity.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: The department is committed to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in education. It promotes culturally responsive teaching practices, advocates for social justice in education, and strives to create inclusive learning environments where all students can thrive.

Global Perspective: The department emphasizes a global perspective on education, recognizing the interconnectedness of educational systems and the importance of cross-cultural understanding. It may offer international exchange programs, study abroad opportunities, and partnerships with educational institutions around the world.


Technology Integration in Education:

Cultural Competence in Education:

Assessment and Data Analysis in Education:

Special Education Law and Policy:



Candidates must have Recognized Bachelor\'s degree of minimum 3 Yrs duration Obtained at least 55% at the qualifying Examination.


Candidates must have Recognized Bachelor\'s degree of minimum 3 Yrs duration Obtained at least 55% at the qualifying Examination.


Candidates must have Recognized Bachelor\'s degree of minimum 3 Yrs duration Obtained at least 55% at the qualifying Examination.


The facilities within the Department of School of Education are designed to support teaching, research, professional development, and community engagement activities. These facilities are essential for creating an enriching learning environment for students, faculty, and staff.

Classrooms and Lecture Halls

Computer Labs

Specialized Laboratories

Professional Development Center

Observation Rooms

Faculty Offices

Student Collaboration Spaces

Scholarship Predictor
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