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Geeta global law School

Geeta University (GU) offers a five-year integrated Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws (B.A. LL.B (Hons)) program.  BA LLB (Hons) or Bachelor of Legislative Law (Hons) is a graduate degree, BBA. LL.B. (Hons.) *, L.L.M. in Law, L.L.M. in Law, Ph.D. in Law which focuses on combining legal knowledge with other subjects for students. Students are also introduced to law studies, which will help them practice their careers in the legal field. 


Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)
  • Preparation for Legal Practice: To equip graduates with the necessary knowledge, skills, and ethical grounding to excel as competent and ethical legal professionals in various practice areas.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: To cultivate graduates' ability to think critically, analyze complex legal issues, and develop innovative solutions to legal problems.
  • Effective Communication Skills: To enhance graduates' written and oral communication skills, enabling them to articulate legal arguments persuasively, communicate with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders, and advocate effectively on behalf of their clients.
  • Ethical Awareness and Professionalism: To instill in graduates a strong sense of ethics, integrity, and professionalism, fostering a commitment to upholding the rule of law, promoting justice, and serving the public interest.
  • Leadership and Collaboration: To develop graduates' leadership abilities and collaborative skills, enabling them to work effectively in diverse teams, lead initiatives for legal reform, and contribute positively to their communities and society.
  • Global Perspective and Cultural Competence: To provide graduates with a global perspective on legal issues and challenges, as well as the cultural competence to navigate multicultural and international contexts in their legal practice.
  • Lifelong Learning and Professional Development: To foster in graduates a commitment to lifelong learning, continuous professional development, and staying abreast of developments in the law, enabling them to adapt to evolving legal landscapes and advance their careers.
  • Social Responsibility and Community Engagement: To encourage graduates to engage in pro bono work, community service, and advocacy efforts to address social justice issues, promote access to justice, and serve marginalized or underrepresented populations.
  • Interdisciplinary Perspective: To expose graduates to interdisciplinary approaches to law, encouraging them to draw insights from other disciplines such as economics, psychology, sociology, and political science to inform their legal analysis and decision-making.
  • Professional Success and Career Advancement: To prepare graduates for successful and fulfilling careers in the legal profession, as well as provide them with the skills and resources to pursue opportunities for career advancement, specialization, and leadership roles within the legal profession and related fields.
Programme Outcomes (PO)
  • Legal Knowledge: Graduates will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of foundational legal principles, concepts, doctrines, and sources of law across various substantive areas, including constitutional law, criminal law, contract law, tort law, property law, administrative law, and others.
  • Legal Analysis and Reasoning: Graduates will be able to analyze legal issues, statutes, regulations, and case law critically, applying principles of legal reasoning and logic to identify relevant facts, issues, rules, and arguments, and to formulate well-reasoned legal opinions and solutions.
  • Legal Research Skills: Graduates will possess proficiency in legal research methods and techniques, including utilizing legal databases, conducting thorough case law and statutory research, and synthesizing legal authorities to support legal arguments and decision-making.
  • Legal Writing and Communication: Graduates will demonstrate proficiency in legal writing and communication, producing clear, concise, and persuasive legal documents such as memoranda, briefs, opinions, contracts, and other legal instruments, tailored to various audiences and purposes.
  • Advocacy and Oral Communication: Graduates will be able to advocate effectively on behalf of clients, presenting oral arguments, engaging in negotiations, conducting witness examinations, and delivering persuasive oral presentations in courtroom settings and other legal contexts.
  • Ethical and Professional Responsibility: Graduates will exhibit a strong commitment to ethical behavior, integrity, and professionalism, adhering to the highest standards of legal ethics and professional responsibility in their interactions with clients, colleagues, courts, and the public.
  • Collaboration and Teamwork: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively and effectively in interdisciplinary teams, engaging in constructive dialogue, respecting diverse viewpoints, and leveraging collective expertise to solve complex legal problems.
  • Cultural Competence and Diversity Awareness: Graduates will exhibit cultural competence and awareness of diversity issues, recognizing and respecting the perspectives and needs of individuals from diverse backgrounds, and navigating multicultural and international contexts with sensitivity and respect.
  • Technology Proficiency: Graduates will possess proficiency in utilizing legal technology tools and resources effectively, including case management software, legal research databases, e-discovery tools, and other technology platforms relevant to the legal profession.
  • Professional Development and Lifelong Learning: Graduates will demonstrate a commitment to professional development and lifelong learning, engaging in continuing legal education, staying abreast of developments in the law, and continuously improving their skills and knowledge throughout their legal careers.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: A School of Law typically offers a comprehensive curriculum covering various areas of law such as constitutional law, criminal law, civil procedure, contracts, torts, property law, and more. The curriculum may also include specialized courses in niche areas of law based on faculty expertise and student interests.

    Expert Faculty: Law schools usually have experienced and knowledgeable faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. These faculty members often have a combination of academic credentials and practical experience as attorneys or legal scholars.

    Legal Research and Writing Programs: Strong emphasis is placed on legal research and writing skills, as these are essential for success in the legal profession. Law schools often have dedicated programs and courses focused on honing students' abilities to conduct legal research, analyze case law, and write persuasively.

    Experiential Learning Opportunities: Many law schools offer experiential learning opportunities such as moot court competitions, mock trials, legal clinics, internships, and externships. These hands-on experiences allow students to apply their classroom knowledge in real-world settings and develop practical lawyering skills.

    Networking and Career Resources: Law schools often provide networking opportunities, career counseling, and resources to help students explore different career paths, connect with legal professionals, and secure internships or post-graduation employment.

    Diverse Student Body: A School of Law typically attracts a diverse student body with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity enriches classroom discussions and prepares students to work effectively in multicultural and interdisciplinary environments.

    Professionalism and Ethics Training: Law schools emphasize the importance of professionalism, ethics, and integrity in the legal profession. Students are often required to complete coursework or training in legal ethics and professional responsibility to prepare them for ethical dilemmas they may encounter in practice.

    Supportive Academic Environment: Law schools strive to create a supportive academic environment where students feel encouraged to engage in intellectual inquiry, express their viewpoints, and collaborate with peers and faculty members.

    Opportunities for Specialization: Some law schools offer opportunities for students to specialize in specific areas of law through concentrations, certificates, or joint degree programs. These programs allow students to gain in-depth knowledge and expertise in their chosen field of interest.

    Commitment to Access to Justice: Many law schools have a commitment to promoting access to justice and serving the public interest. This may include offering pro bono legal services, conducting research on legal reform, or supporting public interest organizations through clinics and externship programs.


Legal Technology and Innovation

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

International Law and Comparative Law

Legal Writing and Advocacy



Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (10+2 Standard) Pass or equivalent qualification from recognized Board.


Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (10+2 Standard) Pass or equivalent qualification from recognized Board.


Candidates must have Recognized Bachelor\'s degree of minimum 3 Yrs duration Obtained at least 55% at the qualifying Examination.


The Candidate must passed Master’s Degree from any accredited Indian or Foreign University in the relevant field with minimum 55% marks.


Prof(Dr). Saurabh Chaturvedi Professor
Dr. Bhateri Assistant Professor
Ms. Anshu Rani Assistant Professor



    The facilities in a School of Law are designed to support the academic, professional, and extracurricular needs of students, faculty, and staff. Here are some common facilities found in law schools:

    Classrooms and Lecture Halls

    Law Library

    Moot Courtrooms

    Legal Clinics

    Computer Labs

    Student Lounges and Study Areas

    Career Services Center

    Scholarship Predictor
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