1. Grievance Redressal Committee:

Grievance redressal mechanism for students:

In order to redress individual as well as collective grievances of the students of the University, a grievance redressal mechanism has been devised.

What is a Grievance?

A grievance may be any kind of discontent or dissatisfaction or negative perception, whether expressed or not, arising out of anything connected with University that a student or staff thinks, or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable. Any grievance /complaint relating to sexual harassment will not be covered under these rules as there is a separate mechanism for addressing such matters by CASH (Committee Against Sexual Harassment). Please note: While this platform allows all staff members to voice their concerns in an open manner it is imperative that the complainant exercises due diligence and care in deciding what he/she would qualify as a grievance that is serious enough to deserve the attention of this committee comprising of senior administrators and faculty of the university.

Procedure for filing the formal complaint/grievance:

1. Any student or staff of the Geeta University may lodge a complaint. 

2. Complaint should be made to Grievance Redressal Committee. 

3. Complaint may be oral, by email (…………….) or in writing. If the complaint is oral, it will be converted into a written form by the GRC member who received the complaint and authenticated by the complainant under his / her signature as soon as possible. 

4. Upon receipt of complaint by any member of GRC, the member should forward it to ………… 

Process for addressing the Grievance:

1. Up on receipt of complaint, the Secretary of the Committee will send a response to the complainant acknowledging the receipt of grievance immediately. 

2. At this stage, based on the nature of the complaint and severity of its possible impact, the Secretary may take one of the two options to proceed on addressing the concerns while keeping the Chairperson, GRC copied in all communication: 

a. Option 1 which can be exercised on matters that could be more routine operation: 

i. The Secretary of the Committee may address the issue directly with the help of the concerned department. 

ii. In this case, it is important that the complainant is apprised of the actions taken or the work-in-progress in a timely manner. 

iii. Once the matter has been resolved the Secretary will send a final update to the complainant on the matter. 

b. Option 2 which can be exercised in matters of very serious concern, in consultation with the Chairperson: 

i. The Secretary may also call for a meeting of the GRC. The quorum for the meeting is 5 (Five). ii. The Committee, as required, may also call for a deposition by the complainant and the person/representatives from the department against which the complaint has been made.

iii. Final decision of the GRC has to be communicated to the student within 15 days of the receipt of the complaint.

iv. The Secretary of the Committee will communicate the decisions to the concerned parties/departments via email and a copy of the case and decision will be sent to the Vice Chancellor 

v. The Secretary will maintain an updated record of all complaints, actions taken and closure status. 

vi. In case the complaint has been made against a member of the GRC or a member of the Appeal Committee for GRC, the concerned member will be barred from participating in any proceedings till the case has been closed. 


1. Aggrieved parties who are not satisfied with the decision of the committee, may appeal to the Appeal Committee for GRC for a reconsideration and review within 15 working days. 

2. The members of the Appeal Committee are follows: a. Pro-Vice Chancellor (Chairperson) b. Dean of Corporate Engagement c. Director, Human Resource Development 

3. The decision of the Appeal Committee, in such matters shall be final and there shall be no further appeal in the matter. 

Note: 1. The committee will recommend appropriate action against complainant(s), if complaint made are found to be baseless or trivial. 

2.Board of Management (BOM) of the University may revise the procedure from time to time.

Details of Grievance redressal mechanism for students:

The Vice-Chancellor is pleased to constitute the Student Grievance Redressal Committees (SGRC) of Geeta University, Panipat in pursuance of the University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023. The committee comprises the following members with effect from 19thMay, 2023.

1. Dr. Ashok Kumar Arora Director IQAC and Registrar Chairperson 9253032100 registrar@geetauniversity.edu.in
2. Dr.Avneesh Vashistha AssociateProfessor Member 9927800961 cse.hod@geetauniversity.edu.in
3. Dr. Mamta Assistant Professor Member 9887595300 pharma.ap4@geetauniversity.edu.in
4. Dr.Neha Arora Assistant Professor Member 8198900091 neha.mgmt@geetauniversity.edu.in
5. Mr.Ashish Student(Ph.D) Member 8053650811 aashish.gorayan@gmail.com
6. Mr.Pramod Sharma Deputy Registrar Member 8594900000 dy.registrar@geetyauniversity.edu.i

The SGRC shall discharge its duties and functions as per the University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023.

The tenure of the committee shall be for a period of 02 Years/holding the position from date of issue this office order.


2. Ombudsperson:-

 The Ombudsperson will make recommendations to students, faculty, staff and the University leadership on matters that are referenced to his office. The Ombudsperson will also counsel the complainants on avenues within and outside the University for Redressal of their issues. As an external person with no conflict of interest, the Ombudsperson will provide counsel and guidance to Geeta University community members on a confidential basis.

Any member of the Geeta University community can reach out to the Ombudsperson for any issue they believe is not being satisfactorily resolved through the University’s existing processes.

The primary role of the Ombudsperson will be to ensure student, faculty and staff well-being, to provide a confidential and safe space for them to be heard, and to provide a forum should there be concerns in the realm of harassment, inappropriate behavior, unprofessional conduct, abuse of power, unlawful termination of service or restrictions on university policy on freedom of expression and to advise both the students/faculty/staff member and the university on the resolution of disputes regarding the same.

Details of Ombudsperson: 

Internal Complaint Committee:

The University is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students and employees can work together in an environment free of violence, harassment, exploitation, intimidation and stress. This includes all forms of gender violence, sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of the sex/gender or amongst the same sex members. To keep a close watch on the issue, an Internal Complaint Committee at Faculty and University level is fully functional to take care of any complaint.

Any student aggrieved of any action of his/her fellow student or any other member may approach the appropriate committee for timely assistance and redressal of the grievance. If a student is not satisfied with the decision of the designated committee, he/she may appeal within a week to the Disciplinary Appellate Board of the University.

A student found guilty of any of the violation of the student’s code of conduct is liable to be inflicted with any or more of the following penalties.


Asking for written apology

Bond of good behaviour

Withholding or cancellation of results

Suspension from the class/hostel for a specific period

Debarring entry into a hostel/campus (permanent or specific period)

Denial of re-admission (permanent or stated period)


Expulsion (permanent or stated period)

Penalty of a specified amount of money with or without any other disciplinary action

Any other reformatory action

Details of ICC:-

The Vice Chancellor here by re constitutes the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of Geeta University, Panipat in pursuance of the UGC (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulation 2015. The committee comprises the following members with effect from 14thMarch, 2023.

1. Dr. Sangeeta Chaudhary Associate Professor Chairperson 9996748478 drsangeeta.mgmt@geetauniversity.edu.in
2. Dr. Rekha Narang Professor Member 8889767888 dsw@geetauniversity.edu.in
3. Dr. Farhat Mohsin Professor Member (External) 9871144250 Farhat.fms@mriu.edu.in
4. Ms. Kavita Hostel Assistant (Female) Member 9996968404 assitantwarden@geetauniversity.edu.in
5. Mr. Pramod Sharma Deputy Registrar Member 8594900000 dr.hr@geetauniversity.edu.in
6. Mr. Ashok Panchal Facility Manager Member 9896269400 fm@geetauniversity.edu.in
7. Ms. Rashi Aggarwal Student (UG) Member 7056858219 rashicse@gmail.com
8. Ms. Neha Gahlyan Student (PG) Member 9518622567 nehagahlyan98@gmail.com
9. Ms. Parul S. Ghangas Student (Ph.D) Member 9996863322 parulmgt@geeta.edu.in
10. Dr. Archana Associate Professor Member Secretary 8053687716 archanacse@geeta.edu.in
10. Dr. Archana Associate Professor Member Secretary 8053687716 archanacse@geeta.edu.in

  • The ICC shall discharge its duties and functions as per the provisions as prescribed in the aforesaid Act.
    The tenure of the committee shall be for a period of 03 Years/holding the position from date of issue this office order.


 To create quality, to maintain quality, to enhance quality in all spheres – that is the task of the IQAC or the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college. The IQAC is the central quality- monitoring body of the institution. It functions under the Chairmanship of the Principal and comprises senior faculty members, representative from the local community and a student representative. Its aim is to develop and maintain a system to promote academic and administrative excellence.

It defines the short-term and long-term objectives of the institution.

It creates a benchmark for quality-enhancement measures.

It devises a work plan to achieve objectives.

It monitors and coordinates the execution.

The IQAC functions with the belief that excellence and quality are not one-time goals but continuous processes. 

To this end, the IQAC meets on a regular basis. New programs, up gradation of infrastructure and increasing the effective functioning of all systems are some of the major concerns of the IQAC.

Research Policy (Ph.D.)

Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in Research

Consultancy policy

Details of IQAC:

The Vice Chancellor is pleased to assign the additional responsibility to Dr. Sandeep Narula, HOD & Professor-C&BM as Deputy Director-IQAC in addition to his current role and responsibilities with immediate effect till further orders.