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Welcome to Anveshan

Research is a constant practice in which philosophical investigation never stops. It is conducive to purifying our knowledge and invoking the highest degree of wisdom. The multidisciplinary, biannual peer-reviewed journal called “Anveshan” is the research journal of Geeta University that offers a venue for the publication of extensive and creative research papers, articles, and reviews that focus on national and international topics related to sciences, engineering & technology, commerce & management, language, art, education, culture, and other significant societal issues. The Journal was first published in February 2023.

Research Papers and Articles published in this journal are going to help readers in their capabilities of research. Authors are requested to check the genuineness of research papers and references of their Research Papers before sending them for publication purposes.

The editor will be pleased to accept research contributions from the domains of engineering, science, and commerce after a critical peer review process to maintain the integrity in research across a variety of fields.

Anveshan Journal focuses on the following field of the research areas, which includes, but is not limited to:

Focus and Scope


  • Agriculture Sciences
  • Applied Sciences
  • Basic Sciences
  • Botanical Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Forensic Science
  • Earth Sciences
  • Geological Sciences
  • Veterinary Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Allied Health Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Microbiology
  • Material Sciences
  • Statistics
  • Qualitative Techniques
  • Library Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Home Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Yoga Sciences

Engineering & Technology

  • Computer Sciences
  • Computer Applications
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electronic
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Telecommunications
  • Information Technology
  • Robotics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Embedded System
  • Machine Learning

Management & Commerce

  • Accounting
  • Business Analysis
  • Marketing
  • Human Resource Development
  • Supply Chain
  • Rural Management
  • Logistics
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Hospital Management
  • Commerce
  • Economics
  • Tourism Management


  • Psychology
  • Political Science
  • Library Science
  • Interior Design
  • Architecture
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Sports
  • Physical Education
  • Hospitality
  • Cooking
  • Fine Arts
  • English
  • Geography
  • Mathematical
  • History
  • Sociology

Other Areas

  • Architecture
  • Biotechnology
  • Dance and Music
  • Drawing
  • Education
  • Journalism & Mass Communication
  • Languages and Linguistic
  • Law
  • Philosophy

Editorial Board


Prof. Dr. Vikas Singh

Prof. Dr. Vikas Singh

Founder Vice Chancellor Geeta University | Professor & Academician
University Establishment & Growth Strategist | Accreditation (NAAC & NBA)
Expert | NEP | Mob: 9994862444 | Email:

International Editorial Board

Dr. Mosab I. Tabash

Department: College of Business

City: Al Ain, UAE

Tel: +971 3 7024805


Prof(Dr) Nidhi Agarwal

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Lincoln university college

SS 6/12 Petaling Jaya Malaysia, 47301

Tel: +60183862304


Editorial Board Team

Dr. Gulshan Chauhan

Pro Vice Chancellor

Geeta University, Naultha, Panipat

Er. Pankaj Bajaj

Chief Operating Officer

Geeta Technical Hub

Geeta University, Naultha, Panipat

Dr. Anil Kumar Lamba

Head of the Department,

School of Computer Science Engineering,

Geeta University, Naultha, Panipat

Dr. Reenu Rana

Head of the Department,

School of Nutrition & Dietics

Geeta University, Naultha, Panipat

Dr. Rajnish Sharma

Head Librarian,

Geeta University, Naultha, Panipat

Dr. Sunil Jawla


Geeta Institute of Pharmacy,

Naultha, Panipat

Dr. Jaskaran Singh

Head of the Department,

Department of Forensic Science,

Geeta University, Naultha, Panipat

Dr. Amit Gupta

Dean Engineering,

Geeta Engineering College,

Naultha, Panipat

Dr. Rekha Narang

Head of the Department,

School of Sciences,

Geeta University, Naultha, Panipat

Dr. Yuvraj Yadav

Head of the Department,

School of Agriculture,

Geeta University, Naultha, Panipat

Advisory Board Members

Dr. Chetan Sharma


Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Mobile No: 9891917176

Dr. J. A. Siddiqui

Head Department of Library Science

Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut

SS 6/12 Petaling Jaya Malaysia, 47301

Mobile No : 0983720603

Guidelines for Editors and Reviewers

  • A rigorous review will be done by minimum one reviewer
  • The Editor determines either to undertake, reject, or ask for additional minor/major revisions after all the Reviewers have completed their reviews. The work is returned to the author for feedback after the Subject Editor makes a choice.
  • The ultimate accountability for editorial decisions rests with the editor of the relevant department and, in some cases, the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Editor-in-chief must look into the complaints and later seek necessary advice from experts and reviewers, if required.
  • Required pronouncements entails: (1) Acknowledge, (2) Slight changes, (2) Major changes, (3) Refuse but welcome resubmission, and (4) Reject.
  • When authors are asked to revise, there is no guarantee that a revised proposal would be accepted. Application verification, copyright breach and plagiarism regulation are the pivotal limitations of the acceptance of revised manuscript.
  • Before publication, all articles published in this journal will go through strict plagiarism checks.
  • Methodical eminence of the published papers will be critically reviewed by journal editors who make decisions based solely on the paper's importance, originality, clarity, and relevance to the scope of the publication.
  • Small spelling or stylistic error should be corrected by editors during the editing process.
  • The expectations of the authors and the readers should be kept in mind by the editors while accepting articles/papers.
  • The editors should focus on the academic rigor and the authenticity of the papers.
  • Editors must protect the reviewers' anonymity unless they want to reveal it on their own.
  • Editors must make sure that the research article/paper they publish complies with generally recognized ethical standards.
  • If the editors identify any wrongdoing, they should take appropriate action and make every effort to resolve the issue.
  • Editors should have concrete evidence of misbehavior before rejecting manuscripts on this basis.
  • Any conflict of interest between the authors and reviewers should not be permitted by editors.

Peer Review Process

The editorial boards send the reviewer a request for a review, and he/she must submit his/her consent for the same by e-mail. If the reviewer accepts to review the paper, He/she is required to submit the review within a specific time frame.

Selection of Peer Reviewers

We select reviewers based on several criteria like explicit knowledge as well as certain previous experience. We ascertain with prospective reviewers before sending them manuscripts to evaluate.

Publication Criteria:

The research paper has to meet the following modern-day requirements to ensure its quality and its unpublished status:

  • The manuscripts need to fulfill the following conditions assuring its quality and its unpublished status
  • Original, novel, and significant to a particular field.
  • Preferably stimulating to researchers in other associated disciplines.

We continuously work to enhance the quality of our publications. We anticipate the same level of dedication from authors to adhere to our rules and uphold ethical standards.

Anveshan Review Policy

The editorial review board will go through each manuscript that is submitted. The article is checked for plagiarism related aspects, and if there is more than 10% of it, it should be returned for resubmission. The editor may choose to have more than one review of the article. Only papers that appear to have the best chance of meeting our editorial standards are forwarded for editorial consideration.

We consider the concerns of the reviewers seriously, and we are especially hesitant to ignore any technical criticisms. If a reviewer objects to publishing a specific article or paper, we may ask another reviewer to weigh in on whether that reviewer is using an excessively harsh criterion. To settle disagreements, we periodically bring in more reviewers, but we prefer to avoid doing so.

Author's guidelines

  • All manuscripts have to be submitted only at the Editor- In-Chief’s email address i.e.
  • The authors and the contributors should send only unique and unpublished manuscripts/articles for submission.
  • Authors should provide full details of postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for correspondence.
  • The font style and size of Times New Roman and 12 points, line spacing of 1.5 standards, and an A4 portrait page set-up should be used.
  • The titles should be framed using a 14-point bold font with the first alphabet in capital letters (Time New Roman).
  • The author’s name should be written in 12 font points, followed by his/her designation, organization, and address, including state & country name.
  • For the Abstract, authors should use Times New Roman & Italics Font style with 10 point size, and it should be between 160-200 words.
  • The keywords section should begin with the word ‘keyword’ in 10pt font size in bold and italics. A maximum of five keywords should be given.
  • All figures and tables should be numbered.

Paper Template/Format

General Format, Page Layout, and Margins

It is advised that a standard A4 size with a portrait page setup should be used. There should be normal margins i.e. 2.54 cm on the left and right corner. Authors are advised not to use any headers, footers, or footnotes in the text. All text will be in Times New Roman Font, including title, author name, headings, captions, and body. It is advised to use 1.5 line spacing.

  • Usage of Abbreviations and Acronyms
  • Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at the beginning of the text.

Manuscripts Status

  • Accepted/Rejected
  • In the reference section, a 12-point font size should be used and it should be numbered. It should be complete in all respects and arranged in alphabetical order. With the running text, citations should be given properly. APA 7 or IEEE style should be used for the reference section.

Volume 1 (Issue 1) 2023

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Prospective Approach

  • Ekampreet Kaur, Akash bans, Uwom Okereke Eze, Jaskaran Singh

Nano Biosensors: A Smart Boon in Healthcare

  • Ekampreet Kaur, Akash bans, Uwom Okereke Eze, Jaskaran Singh

Machine Learning and Data Science in Industry 4. 0

  • Dr. Vaishali Mehta, Dr. Archana

An Overview of The Internet of Things

  • Dr. Vibhor Sharma, Dr. Anil Kumar Lamba

Heal in India: Strategic Roadmap for Promoting Medical Tourism Healthcare

  • Dr. Sangeeta, Dr. Rajiv Kumar

The World without Internal- Combustion Engine

  • Dr. Ritesh Gupta
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