Research Scholar Information

Research Scholar Information

S.No. Faculty Department Enrollment No. Name of the Scholar Date of Registration Supervisor Co-Supervisor
1 School of Education & Humanities Education 22PUNN003 Vandana Taneja 03-Nov-22 Dr. Om Parkash Dr. Sakshi Vermani (School of Education, Rishihood University)
2 School of Education & Humanities Education 22PUNN004 Isha Bansal 03-Nov-22 Dr. Om Parkash
3 School of Education & Humanities Education 22PUNN001 Mohan Gaur 03-Nov-22 Dr. Om Parkash
4 School of Education & Humanities Education 22PUNN005 Shilpa Jharia 03-Nov-22 Dr. Om Parkash
5 School of Education & Humanities Education 22PUNN002 Sharmistha 03-Nov-22 Dr. Om Parkash
6 School of Education & Humanities English 22PAEN001 Divya Sharma 03-Nov-22 Dr. Madhu
7 School of Education & Humanities English 22PAEN002 Neenu 03-Nov-22 Dr. Madhu